Posts Tagged ‘FFG2’

Fail, Fail Fast!

July 22, 2013
Michael Jordan Dunk Michael Jordan Turns 50 Years Old And He Still Earns $80 Million Dollars Year

Michael Jordan

By Josh Rice, Public Relations Specialist with Federal Financial Group LLC

I came across a couple good ideas from Dyan Williams from Lifehacker company and added some input from my experiences.

There is a saying that I really love. Fail early, fail fast, fail often! People look at failure as a bad thing. But one thing that I have noticed when you look at successful people is that they fail all the time. The only reason why you never hear about it is because in the end they succeeded after all that failing. You only heard about the result and not about the whole process. It’s just a game of persistence.

“Thomas Edison failed over 6,000 times before perfecting the first electrical light bulb. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team and missed over 9,000 shots in his career. Oprah Winfrey was fired from an early anchor spot and told she was unfit for TV,” said Dyan Williams writer for Lifehacker.

JK Rowley said “It’s impossible to live without failing at something, unless you lived so cautiously that you might as well not lived at all. In which case you failed by default.”

If you want to try and achieve anything in this life, failure will shape you for the better. It will make you want to succeed and rise above what is stopping you. Don’t look at failure as a bad thing, it’s just one step closer to what you are trying to achieve.

Instead of seeing failure as a lack of success, look at it as the starting point and part of the process. If we condition our brain to start thinking like this, then we will see more success and worry less when we do fail.

Like any industry that you try to break into, it’s going to be hard! But the rewards are there.  Federal Financial Group LLC is working hard to reach every goal, check out what we have been up to!


For any review about Federal Financial Group LLC please email us at We appreciate your feedback!

Elevator Pitch

July 16, 2013

By Josh Rice, Public Relations Specialist with Federal Financial Group LLC

I came across a couple good ideas from Marla Tabaka on and added some input from my experiences.
I think sales in general have gone through a huge change in the last ten years. Sales people have had to change the way they do things to get the sale. People have become very sensitive to commercials or even the very hint of being a sale pitch. As soon as they hear any of that kind of stuff, people start tuning it out. A lot of that is because of technology and how people communicate these days. So the real question is: “Are some of the old sales techniques still good for this new changing world we are in?” I really think the old techniques work, but something’s need to be changed because of the changing world we live in. For sales people and aspiring leaders the elevator pitch can be very effective if it is done right. Here are a couple ideas on how to change your elevator pitch.
Peak Their Interest-
When someone asks you, “What do you do?” don’t give them the answer right away. Peak their interest! Give them something confusing that will make them question what you do. This will keep the conversation going and make you look intriguing. So a Realtor would say “I make sure you have a warm place by the fire.” Restaurant owner would say “I feed America.” This will make the person talking to you instantly stop and start think about what you said.
Keep That Pause-
It’s important to remember to wait for the other person to think about what you said. They will be confused at this point and then that’s when they start asking questions. When they do start asking questions they have invested in the conversation and this is where they want to know more detail.
Tempt Them Even More-
After you did a good job peaking their interest, don’t sell them just yet. Ease into the next part by explaining to them how you do what you do, but don’t give away everything at this point. You have to keep them interested.
If you have done this right, you should have the other person in a conversation. But always keep in mind what you can do for them instead of your own needs like selling them a product. If you do this then you will have a much great outcome than the standard elevator pitch.

For any review about Federal Financial Group LLC please email us at We appreciate your feedback!

Sales Pitches Have to Change

July 9, 2013


By Josh Rice, Public Relations Specialist with Federal Financial Group LLC

Jacquelyn Smith helped contribute to this post.

It seems like when the word “sales pitch” or “pitch” in general is used, it’s like a bad word these days. My first thought is to reject whatever is being pitched at me. No matter what it is. I think as a culture we have been conditioned to say no or get defensive when someone tries to sell us something. This can create a problem for anyone that is trying to sell something. In one of our last blog posts we talked about closing the sale. In this post it’s all about the sales pitch.

In this day and age we almost have to “ditch” the “pitch”. Customers know and can see it coming from miles away. When they feel like they are being pitched their minds turn off and they get defensive. We need to treat it more of a two-way conversation. There has to be some back and forth going on. Imagine it as a tennis game, two players going back and forth with the ball. The old school pitch was more just one person talking; now there needs to be more interaction between both parties. You will find more success in that. “People often assume that where there’s a pitch, there’s a catch,” says Art Sobczak, President of

Develop your sales plan. Do as much homework as possible about the buyer. The more you know the better it will be for you. Make goals before you ever start talking with the buyer. What do you want to achieve by the end of the call or the meeting? This will keep you on track. Start your pitch by asking questions. This will help you get to know the person you are speaking with and know what they need. A good rule of thumb is you should be talking 20% of the time and listening the other 80% of the time. When you do talk, sell the benefits and how it would improve their life.  Share with them how you have helped other people. This makes them visualize what your product can really do. If you can do these small things, then you will see a big difference in the pitch method.

For any review about Federal Financial Group LLC please email us at We appreciate your feedback!

Motivation to lead! (7 min. Video)

July 1, 2013

By Josh Rice, Public Relations Specialist with Federal Financial Group LLC

For any review about Federal Financial Group LLC please email us at We appreciate your feedback!

Closing the sale

June 20, 2013


By Josh Rice, Public Relations Specialist with Federal Financial Group LLC


There are so many different ways to close a sale. If you were to put a bunch of sales professionals in a room and ask them what was the best way to close a sale, you would get a bunch of different answers. I have grown up in a sales family and have even done my fair share of it myself. The old breed of sales professionals will tell you one thing and the new generation of sales professionals will tell you something different. The techniques might be a little different but there are some tips that will effectively close a sale that are universal.


Earn the Right

Show them who you are and how your product can improve their life. You obviously believe in the product that you are selling or you wouldn’t waste your time selling it. Before you close the sale you have to earn the right to ask for the sale. Earn the right by delivering promises and by following up on the customer questions. Earn the right by showing up on time to the appointment, being prepared and looking the part of someone they can trust.


Ask for Next Step

After you have completed the customer action items, ask them what you think             should be the next step.  If they are unsure, this is the best time to draw a road map of completing the sale. Make it easy for them and be really clear on what’s left to get the sale done. I remember times when I wanted to buy something but really didn’t know the best way of doing it. If only I had a sales professional to paint an easy and clear picture to get what I wanted.


Begin With the End in Mind

In everything you do remind yourself why you are doing it. Have your end goal in mind whenever you do anything with the customer. Always focus on moving forward. Keep focused on your purpose during each part of the sale processes.


Give and Receive

In most sales cycles it’s a back and forth game. The customer might ask you for more info, lower prices or product demonstrations. Just expect that you will be giving a lot during the sales cycle. Good thing to remember is that you should always ask for something when you are giving something. A general rule: it is better to give than to receive. But in sales there needs to be back and forth. Giving and receiving are both equal players with equal amounts of importance.


Under Promise

You have probably heard a sales guy promise the world to you before and the fact of the matter is that the product or service just didn’t perform to what the sales professionals promised. Let the customer be the one that discovers how amazing the product is and how it can improve their life. If you do it the other way around then they will have high expectations and then they will be disappointed.


Be Nice To Your Enemies

There is competition all around us, whether it is from another company or the customer just not making a decision. If you put down your competition, you immediately put the customer on the defensive. Doing so may cost you the sale. Instead, point out to the customer the good points about your competition and then tell them why you are better.


For any review about Federal Financial Group LLC please email us at We appreciate your feedback!


Managing Your Debt

June 18, 2013

Printed word

By Josh Rice, Public Relations Specialist with Federal Financial Group LLC

Do you have debt problems? Or just want to get a better grasp on what you owe? Here are some tips that can help.

Debt Collector calls

Calls from debt collects can be scary and intimidating. Here are some tips that might help you with them.

-If the debt collector is threatening you, is verbally abusive, uses bad language or calls you a lot, then the debt collector is violating federal law with these actions. Write down what they are doing. Include the date and time, name of the debt collector or agency, and the specific debt you are contacted about.

-If you agree with the person that you owe the money but you can’t pay it in a lump sum, try to work out payment plan options.

-If you think the amount that you owe is different than what the collector says, don’t agree with them; dispute the amount. Put your dispute in writing within 30 days of the call and send it to the debt collector.

-Ask the debt collector to send you a written amount of what you owe. This should include all fees, charges and detailed billing account.

-Don’t share your personal information. Don’t give the debt collectors your Social Security number, the name of your bank, or bank account number. This will just cause you more headaches.

-Never have casual conversation with a debt collector. This may give info that can be used against you.

Resources for managing your Debt-

If you’re drowning in debt, a credit counseling agency can be a great help. Use caution when finding an agency to help you manage debt, not every agency is as dependable as they say. Use any of the following resources to find a legitimate credit counseling agency:

Preparing to meet with a credit counselor- What to bring

-Bring a list of all your debts

-Debt related paperwork.

-Your Budget

-A list of what you are willing to give up to get what you want

For any review about Federal Financial Group LLC please email us at We appreciate your feedback!

Here are some basic sales techniques that will help you stay on track to get that sale.

June 13, 2013

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By Josh Rice, Public Relations Specialist with Federal Financial Group LLC

Came across a couple good ideas from Hellin Knighting and added some input from my experiences.

Half the battle is being prepared for whatever comes your way. Know your product that you are selling. Look the part when you are selling and know how to present your product. These and many more will make you look good from the beginning.

People Skills
This can make or break a sale. If you are friendly and good-mannered or shy and quiet, this can have a huge effect on how they see your product. You are the face of the company. If you are outgoing and friendly then that’s how they see the company.

First Impressions
Most people make their first impression by the first 15 seconds of meeting you. Appearance does matter. If you look well-dressed and clean you are already helping yourself in the sale.

Client Relationship
After you have met with your client for the first time, it’s about keeping a good relationship with them. It’s important to listen and understand their business needs. Show you understand and earn their trust and you will have your self a loyal client.

Sell the benefits
Don’t sell the product to them. Sell the benefits and how this product will improve their life or business. You will see a difference in the response in the customer when you do this.

Never rush the sale
Never bleed through the sale so fast that the customer feels rushed. This is a process that over the cycle of the sale the customer is warming up to you and your product. They are thinking when you are talking and selling them. If you rush it then they might rush over buying the product and just say no.

You’re the expert
The customer might look to you for advice. Remember you are the expert in this field, always look confident.

For any review about Federal Financial Group LLC please email us at We appreciate your feedback!

Go to the Source of Your Complaint

June 6, 2013
Federal Financial Group LLC reviews complaints

Someone make you angry? Tell them directly and calmly!


Go to the Source of Your Complaint

By Susan Escalante, Director of Public Relations, Federal Financial Group LLC

When I was growing up my parents taught me that if I had a complaint with someone, I should go to that person and let them know they were bugging me. When you grow up in a big family, you learn that this approach works well. If your sibling took something of yours, you just go tell them to give it back. If someone was looking at you too much, you told them to stop looking at you.

When I got into the business world, I realized that many people do not go to the source to register complaints. They tell everyone except that one entity that is bugging them. How much wiser and more effective it would be if we all felt comfortable enough to call each other up and register our complaints.  Instead, we post things online, we tell all our friends, we use social media to tell the world that something bugs us.

If it were you that was bugging someone, wouldn’t you like to know? If it was your company that did not provide satisfactory customer service, wouldn’t you like to know directly from the person who was offended so that you could have a chance to make it right?

At my company we like to receive feedback so we know how we can improve our service to our clients and potential clients. We invite anyone to call us at (801) 495-2009 and let us know how we are doing! Or write us at and you will get a response!


To submit any reviews or complaints about Federal Financial Group LLC please email us at We appreciate your feedback!!! If you want to work with us, please call 888-305-4008 and ask for Katie!

Highlights of Federal Financial Group LLC 2013 Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada

May 30, 2013
Federal Financial Group LLC

Federal Financial Group LLC 2013 Convention Highlight Video in Las Vegas, Nevada

Enjoy our Federal Financial Group LLC 2013 Convention highlight video! Click on the picture!

Claudia Orozco is Super Feliz to Be Here!

April 15, 2013

Claudia Orozco is Super Feliz to Be Here!

Claudia Orozco shares thoughts about working with Federal Financial Group LLC at 2013 FFG Convention